


Friday 23 November 2012

Hygain® Regain®


                                            Hygain® Regain®

   Rapid Electrolyte Replacer

Hygain Regain is a formulated for horses to replace body salts lost during exercise, hot climatic conditions and as an aid in the treatment of dehydration, hypochloraemia and alkalosis.


Available in 2kg, 5kg & 20kg


Hygain Regain is suitable for all climates and conditions and levels of equine sports and disciplines.

Pre race use of Hygain Regain will not contravene the rules of racing which prohibit the use of sodium bicarbonate or other alkalinaising agents prior to a race.

Dosage rates should be adjusted to meet requirements. It is preferable to feed daily requirements of  Hygain Regain over several feeds during the day.  Hygain Regain should be used in conjunction with a salt block or loose salt in the feed. As a saline drench mix 60g of REGAIN® in 5 litres of water to treat dehydration and alkalosis. 

Maintenance/Light Work: 30 g per day 

Moderate/Heavy Work: 60 g per day 

Intense Work/Heavy Sweat Loss: 90 g per day
(1 level scoop = 30 g)

Per 1000G Dose

Sodium 215 g  
Chloride 468.5 g
Magnesium 17.25 g  
Potassium 152 g
Calcium 6 g


 WHY FEED Hygain Regain?

When horse’s sweat they lose significant amounts of the electrolytes, sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Excessive electrolyte depletion can cause muscle fatigue, muscle damage and dehydration resulting in poor performance and conditions such as hyponatremia, hypochloraemia, and alkalosis.


Sodium and Chloride: Common salt (NaCl), which is composed of two ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-). They are the major electrolytes of the body.

Potassium: One of potassium’s major roles is to maintain and ensure correct cellular osmotic pressure which affects the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to impulses. Horses suffering from a lack of potassium are prone to fatigue, muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, tying-up and decreased water intake.

Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role as a co-factor in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. Magnesium is also required for muscle function and is essential for DNA to send messages to the cells.

Calcium: Deficiencies of calcium in its ionic form may lead to muscle weakness and conditions such as tying-up and ‘thumps’.


Electrolytes are electrically charged salts or ‘ions’ such as sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium which are dissolved and carried in the blood and cell fluids. As salts dissolve in the blood and tissues of the body, electrolytes assist in preserving the correct balance of fluids both inside and outside the cells. Electrolytes also function in the generation of nerve impulses, contraction and relaxation of muscles, the beating of the heart and processing of wastes, in fact electrolytes are involved in virtually every function of the body.

Graph - Horse sweat lost vs Hygain Regain

The efficiency with which the horse can use individual electrolytes in their diet can be influenced by many factors. Although the horse’s body efficiently conserves needed electrolytes a certain amount is lost each day through urine, manure, sweat and secretions in the digestive tract. In addition to these normal losses, electrolytes are lost in increasing amounts due to exercise, climatic conditions, and disease e.g. diarrhoea. An electrolyte imbalance may cause such complications as dehydration, muscle fatigue, reduced stamina, overheating, anhidrosis, and tying-up. It is therefore essential that electrolyte supplementation occurs as part of your daily nutritional management practices.


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