


Friday 23 November 2012

Hygain® Pak-Cell®


 Hygain® Pak-Cell®

    B-Group, Iron and Trace Mineral Supplement

Hygain Pak -Cell 是为高强度运动的马匹定制的额外补充必需矿物质,B族维生素和氨基酸的膳食补充剂。

Hygain Pak -Cell  is a blend of quality B-Group vitamins, essential amino acids and bio-chelated minerals for use in horses diets where additional supplementation of these nutrients is desired.

Hygain Pak -Cell is formulated as a dietary supplement for performance horses and horses under stress that may benefit from additional supplementation of essential, minerals, B group vitamins and amino acids.

Hygain Pak -Cell contains Bioplex® chelated trace minerals. These are minerals which are bound to an amino acid or amino acid chain by means of a chemical reaction. The chelation process protects the minerals from oxidative reactions within the horse’s stomach that may lead to other forms of inorganic mineral supplementation (oxides and sulphates) to become less absorbable or conflict with other nutrients which can cause gastric intestinal irritations. The BIOPLEX® chelates in HYGAIN® PAK-CELL® offer a more efficient and absorbable method of providing mineral supplementation.

Hygain Pak -Cell contains Bioplex® Chelated Iron, Copper and Cobalt that aid in the synthesis and the manufacture of blood haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is responsible for transport of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and is therefore a key component in the production of energy. Bio-Chelated Iron is absorbed into the blood stream more readily and effectively than inorganic ferric salts.

Hygain Pak -Cell also contains Bioplex® Chelated Copper to maximise the incorporation of Iron in the structure of haemoglobin. Additional Cobalt as well as Folic Acid are included into

Hygain Pak -Cell to assist in the production of Vitamin B12, which in turn aids in the stimulation of appetite, metabolism and blood cell production.

Bioplex® Chelated Zinc and Manganese which also play an important role in metabolism and bone and cartilage formation are also active constituents of Hygain Pak -Cell.

Hygain Pak -Cell contains high levels of B Group Vitamins which are essential for the equine athlete to function. B Group Vitamins are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids to energy. Even though B Group Vitamins are generated within the body these can not be stored in large quantities in the horse. Therefore certain categories of performance horses (Race Horses, Eventers, Endurance), may require additional B Group vitamin supplementation.

Hygain Pak -Cell contains quality essential amino acids that aid in the formation of proteins and enzymes responsible for growth, muscle development/ repair and metabolism in the horse.

                                           WHY FEED Hygain Pak -Cell?

           Horses that may benefit from additional supplementation with Hygain Pak -Cell       

            Anaemic Horses 

            Heavily exercised horses

            Horses recovering from strenuous exercise

            Horses recovering from injury

               Horses recovering after antibiotic therapy

          Horses fed an imbalanced diet

             Older horses that have a reduced ability to produce and               absorb essential vitamins and minerals

Available in  1.2 kg, 5 kg & 10 kg

   Hygain Pak-Cell can be added directly to horses feed or dissolved in water and dosed orally.  Hygain Pak-Cell can also be added to 60 grams of Hygain Regain for an effective saline and/or recovery drench.


One heaped scoop = 20g
Initial Administration:20g/day for 7 consecutive days
General Use:
20g/day every 2-3 days or intense exercise days Pre Race or Competition: 20g/day for 2-3 days prior
Recovery:20g/day for 3 consecutive days

Per 20G Dose

150 mg

100 mg

300 mg

Vitamin B5
150 mg

Vitamin B6
65 mg

Vitamin B12
1000 ug

Folic Acid
40 mg 

50 m          

150 mg 

1 mg 

100 mg

75 mg 

100 mg 

250 mg 

         Glycine               100mg 
            Lysine                    300mg









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