


Thursday 8 November 2012


Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic & Chondroprotective Agent
Sodium Pentosan Polysulfate 250mg/mL

Sodium pentosan polysulfate (PPS) is a linear polymer prepared from xylan, a complex hemicellulose extract of plant (Beechwood) origin. PPS is one of the sulfated heparinoid compounds. The heparin-like anti- coagulant effects have been reduced and the anti-inflammatory fibrinolytic, and tissue tropic effects have been enhanced.
PENTOSAN EQUINE actively reverses the effects of osteoarthritis in the joints via a series of actions, including:
. Stimulating Chondrocyte Metabolism
. Anti-inflammatory Activity
. Fibrinolysis and Lipolysis
PENTOSAN EQUINE is a sophisticated approach to the long term management of osteoarthritis in horses.
PENTOSAN EQUINE is equally effective by both intramuscular and intra-articular injection. Unlike traditional treatments, the unique effects of PENTOSAN EQUINE promote healing and the restoration of a healthy joint, in addition to having a safe anti-inflammatory effect.
PENTOSAN EQUINE is not a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Phenylbutazone, or the cortisones (both of which have damaging effects on joints with prolonged use). PENTOSAN EQUINE does not suppress joint cartilage healing and repair.Rather than simply masking pain, PPS directly stimulates joint healing and repair. Anti-inflammatory agents, corticosteroids andNSAIDs all relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis but DO NOT ALTERTHE DISEASE PROCESS. Both hydrocortisone and NSAIDs have marked inhibitory effect on the biosynthesis of the components of the extracellular matrix of cartilage, which limits the early healing response of cartilage to injury.

Non-infectious inflammatory joint disease, traumatic arthritis, degenerative cartilaginous joint disease, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis dessicans in horses.

Administer at a dose rate of 3mg/kg bodyweight (1.5g/500kg horse), by intramuscular injection, at 5 - 7 day intervals for four injections. PENTOSAN EQUINE is equally effective when given by intramuscular or intra-articular injection. If intra-articular use is required, administer 1ml by sterile intra-articular injection. PPS has an affinity for cartilage, and active drug levels will accumulate for several days after administration. For maximum effect, tissues should be exposed to the drug over an extended period, hence the four injections. A period of improvement for up to 6 months following a course of four injections may be expected. If at any time during this period the horse becomes sore(e.g. following a particular activity), it is safe to administer a further injection to settle any inflammatory process.

PENTOSAN EQUINE is particularly effective, and displays sytnergy with, concurrent use of COSEQUIN EQUIN(Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate supplement), to provide the essential raw materials for joint repair and maintenance.


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